Kakadu English

Day 5. First day in Kakadu.

It was a easy drive from Katherine to Pine Creek this morning, just after we met up with a couple from NSW who wanted to stay in contact with us and he offered to stall our van at his place in a shed. That means if they still own the property by next year because they might downsize.

We filled up the petrol tank and bought the tickets for Kakadu and checked every ones again before we move into the bush camping right on the edge of the park called “Mary River Roadhouse”. We booked for two nights they even have powered sites and a swimming pool.

Today we did our first trip into Kakadu and on the way back we went to the Lookout of Pine Creek and the old goldmine area. It is very warm in this part and even at night it stays warm with 20 degrees or more.

In Pine Creek I found a lot of old iron standing around where I took some pics from as well.

Day 6 . second day in Kakadu.

Just before 12, 00 o’clock the van was build up completely at the “Mar River Roadhouse” only the water could not be connected because our hose is to short. No worries the van pump works well. So this afternoon we did our first real trip by driving over a 40 km (one way) dirt road to Gunlom to the mountain where a part of the movie, Crocodile Dundee, was made. We parked the car at the bottom of the mountain and climbed all the way to the top where you find three waterholes at the end of the waterfall which run out of the escarpment. The waterholes let the water run into a waterfall which fills a creek at the bottom 500 mtrs. down where the walks started. Normally you can swim there as well but someone sighted a croc last week, so no dice.

The climb to the top is allowed and is about 1km long and a tough one at that as well over rocks and boulders and a very narrow path.

Even dough we did this already in 2011 it was a lovely experience to do it again and it is the hard climb worth, with the water flow and the scenic view from the top. Also is it fascinating that even in the dry season the waterfall at the top still flows.

At the end of the afternoon we climbed down again and drove over the 20km dirt road back while in the mean time we looked at our walks for tomorrow which are in the same area.

At night back at the camping we lighted a nice fire with our camp neighbors and looked ta the clear sky full of stars and a full moon with a nice 20 degrees. Life is hard in the Out Back.

Day 7. Third day in Kakadu.

From the Mary River Roadhouse due east and again 20 km’s of corrugated dirt road to get to the start of our walks for today. The first one was Yurmikmik Lookout. To get there you walk through the rough bush over a small and sometimes hard to find path which goes up and down over rock and boulders, sand low grass and scrubs, creeks and high grass up till 2 mtrs to the top of a high hill with a very steep climb to get to the top of the escarpment. The view is spectacular and worth the effort. It is nice to see that the old trees are still there and also new and young trees started to grow.

On the way back we crossed a path who led to the Car waterfalls and afterwards it showed that we had done already 2 km from this walk. But luckily we did not go on this track, it would have lasted all day to do so and it would have been too heavy for us any way. We did go a different walk as well while on the track, the Boulder creek walk. It was a rough track but doable, a pity that there was not a drop of water in the creek anymore but nice to have seen anyway. Both these walks took us through the morning and made us walk in total about 10km and both of them started with a hanging bridge, luckily Els done a hanging bridge in New Zealand so she could use her experience.

From here a drive, 20 km over dirt, and 40 over the Kakadu Hwy, to Gungurul, this is climb on a mountain to see the Mary River run through Kakadu and not so much the water but more the tree line along the water flow. It was a heavy walk short after lunch and we run out of water as well and we had to stop a couple of times to catch our breath again in the hot afternoon sun. When we came down from the top we went to do the Mary River walk, which take you to the riverbank itself. But Els did not go any further then the first dry river bank, I did go on to next bank and the water but got myself a sturdy stick because of the warning about crocs, you never know do you?

By now we were close, 70km, to the next camping we wanted to go to, so we went to visit them to book us in for two nights. It was good we did this because it seems to be very busy at the moment.

On our way back to our current camping, we stopped for our last walk of the day at Bukbukluk. This one is also located on top of a small mountain with a beautiful view over the river and the green covered hills and mountains.

Thirsty and tiered we arrived at the campsite where filled up the petrol tank because the meter reached 420 km, and running out of juice here is not an option, even if you haven 20 liters reserve in the Ute.

In total we walked between the 15 and 20 km today through the bush and we think we did well for two grey nomads.

Day 8. Fourth day in Kakadu.

At 9.30 we left Mary River to deeper into Kakadu to Cooinda Lodge Kakadu, this is more Glamping instead of camping.

We got there at 11,05 and got a nice shady spot under a big tree on a big spot of grass, with power and water and much to our surprise, Wi-Fi and the Aussie phone is working as well.

Parking the van did not go in one go but after the third time it was right on the dot. At 12, 00 o’clock all was build up again and we could sit down and have our lunch.

Part of the afternoon we spent at the Warradjan Culture Centre to learn more about the current and the old ways and culture of the aboriginals in and around Kakadu. It is a pity we can’t take photos there to underline this part of the story. But it is interesting and gives you more understanding. When we got back outside we noticed a sign for a walk for 1 km around the bush here. So of course we went for this walk and after 20 minutes we ended up at the campsite so we had to walk back again to pick up the car which was still at the centre. The rest of the day we took it easy, Els did the laundry and tomorrow we have a busy day again.

Day 9 . Fifth day in Kakadu.

Close to 10 o’clock in the truck for our next adventure in the bush today “the Jim Jim Billabong this is the first one. Even dough the road map showed us a bitumen road I had a nice cross on red dirt. It was so corrugated that it would shake your brekkie out of your stomach. The Billabong is nice clear blue water but the surroundings was a bit less this time , the walk became very short because of the warning and sightings of crocs so some parts where closed off. But besides that, we enjoyed the environment and the pristine nature and the quietness out here. There after a trip too “Mirray Look Out” this is a complete different story.

Here we had to walk and climb a steep path on the mountain in the full sunlight all the way to the top. Don’t forget we are already high up on a escarpment and climbing up make the air go thinner the higher you go so breathing wasn’t that easy at all. After a couple of breaks to have a drink and get our breath back we made it in a half an hour to a wooden tent so in the shade we could have a look at the fantastic view all around. Here we got talking to a British couple who are traveling about the same way as we do.

After we got down we had lunch and moved on to Jabiru to do a little shopping, everything was closed because of a public holiday, but we did book our next campsite, a Aboriginal managed one called, Lake View.

On the way back we did another 3 clicks bushwalk and by the time we got back to our current campsite at 18, 30 it was dinner time again and the day was past.

Tomorrow we have a full and promising day ahead planned.

Day 10. Sixt day in Kakadu.

Today exactly, we are three months in Oz, our trip started later on that week.

We had to say goodbye to the glamping at Cooinda and move on to the Aboriginal camping at Jabiru. We arrived there already at 10, 30, a bit early, but no worry’s at all. The cleaner was almost done and we are starting to learn to backing the van in. within 30 minutes all was done and we went into town to see if the doors are open now.

First a coffee, and an iced coffee, and some quick shopping. Els bought a set of 3d postcards for the grandkids but the post office run out of stamps to put on them. At 12 o’clock back at the van for lunch and then off to Ubirr. Here we went to Cahill to look at the changing of the tides because with high tide the croc’s come in to eat the big fish who feed there at the same time. At 14,30 it is high tide and you’ll see the crocs an hour ahead of it. When we arrived, shortly after 13.00, it was already busy and the water was rising over the road to the other side. We can’t go there without a special permit for Aboriginal country. I would love to drive through the water but Els want let me.

We were in luck today because we did see about 20 till 25 crocs who let themselves float with the tide into the river, and I can tell you they are big, pretty big fellows up to about 6 meters.

The water slowly changed from clear to muddy because of the different streaming. By the time the water started to subside again we left, partly because the spectacle was done and partly the mossies’ had a liking for Els today and she didn’t like that at all. While we were there we had some lovely conversations with other spectators, about the environment, the campsites, Australia and the different between living and cost here and Europe.

After a short drive we reached the mountain at Ubirr with all the ancient paintings and a wonderful look out on top. You can choose a walk without going to the top or one with. We took the long one with the look out. If Mike Dundee can do it, so can we.

The lookout is spectacular and the climb is good to do because part is in the shade, the painting are in our eyes fading fast if we compare it to almost 5 years ago. So we took a lot of photos. Luckily there is some hidden art where you have to look for and which is still in good nick and somehow escape the influence of the weather and the tourist. By the time we started to leave another busload of tourist arrived at 17.00 hours.

We went to the border store to have a browse around and there was a sign that we could stay there for B&B in order to support the store with odd jobs, I was tempted but decided against it because we don’t want to lose our visa, and we feel like we pressed for time as it is already.

So, back to the campsite at Jabiru for dinner and some well-deserved relaxation

Day eleven. Seventh day in Kakadu.

Sadly enough, this is the day we are leaving our so beloved park Kakadu and start driving towards Darwin. Just to be sure I just called the next campsite, Big4, just in case. It is becoming weekend again and everyone seems to go out, and all the nice and quiet site are gone before you know it.

We have another challenge to day, we are going to try to reach the Darwin area on our current tank of petrol so we can fill her up for a normal price again, instead of close to $ 1, 90 back to $1, 33 or so, this will surely help us with our budget.

Getting the van ready to go on the road goes faster every time it seems, so just before 9.00 o’clock we got on the road again. We stopped over Bark Hut for a pee and coffee and some pictures there, but at 12,30 we got back on the Stuart HWY again. Shortly afterwards we knew we are back in the busy world so we stopped over at a shopping mall we stopped in 2011 with the motorhome just before the turn of to the Big4. About 14.00 hours we reached the campsite and our trip through the bush was finished for now. We are going to stay here for at least 5 days and in those days we are cleaning, refilling, restoring, get the car serviced, get the van serviced and visit Darwin. But more about this, the next time.

We took about 2000 photos and will select some to put on the blog but we can never show you what we have seen and done. Enjoy!


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